CCAS Logos & Other Communications Resources
CCAS Communications and Marketing assists in advancing the college's academic and research mission through recognition and engagement with current and prospective students, alumni, faculty and staff. We also offer the community a variety of resources to assist you in creating newsletters, email templates, websites, promotional materials, social media channels and PowerPoint presentations, as well as guidance on messaging and best practices. This web page offers a number of resources to assist you.
CCAS Logos
Note: Use PNG versions provided for web and social media. Use EPS versions for printed materials.
Full CCAS Logo
- PNG Files
- EPS Files
- View on Google Drive (must access from a email)
Short CCAS Logo
- PNG Files
- EPS Files
- View on Google Drive (must access from a email)
- Department “Logos”
For print materials, the current practice is to use a typeset version of the department/program name in proximity to the full CCAS logo.
The logo-like graphic in the upper left corner of department and program websites is not officially a logo. It is considered an “online brand.” It is coded into the website, and not a separate image file.
- Department Merchandise & Swag
The Office of Communications and Marketing can help create university-approved designs to be used on merchandise, flyers, event signage and more. To get started, submit a project request.
PowerPoint Templates
Mass Email
Emma is the central mass email tool used at GW and provided by Communications and Marketing in partnership with GW IT. Visit the GW Emma page for more information and to request an account.
Events and Calendar Submission
The best way for us to promote your department events to a wide audience is through submissions on the GW Events Calendar. This is what we link to when publicizing your events across our social media channels and in the Happening This Week and GW Today newsletters.
- How to Submit an Event
- Complete the GW Events Calendar Entry Form with your event details. You will need to log in with your GW UserID to view the form. It’s best to prepare all of your event information before attempting to complete the form. This information includes the event name, date, time, location, description (including the registration link, if applicable), audience and graphics/photos. If you are including an image, crop it to 1080×720 pixels before proceeding.
Include the event sponsors or hosts in the event description. For example:
"The Department of American Studies invites you to a seminar featuring Dr. George Washington, professor of history at King’s College, who will discuss his experience crossing the Delaware."- If applicable, select your academic department, program or entity from the “Group” field. On the calendar submission form, scroll all the way down to the Filters section. Under Group, select your relevant department, program or institute — you can select more than one. If approved, your event will appear on both the CCAS web calendar and the GW Events Calendar. A Columbian College tag will be added to all CCAS events by the calendar administrators during approval.
- Refer to the GW calendar best practices for more tips and a sample description.
- If you are unsure about how to fill out the form, or if you would like to create a feed of calendar events to your department website, please email [email protected].
- CCAS Spotlight E-Magazine
CCAS Spotlight is the college’s flagship monthly digital publication. Issues feature stories on learning, research, new initiatives and special announcements, as well as upcoming events and a “Noteworthy” section listing faculty/student/alumni highlights. Sent the second week of the month to CCAS alumni, students, parents, faculty and staff, as well as GW senior leadership, the total distribution is 4,200.
Deadline to submit events and “Noteworthy”: First Thursday of the month
- Happening This Week Events Digest
Happening This Week is a digest of CCAS-related events sent on Monday mornings to CCAS faculty, staff and students for a total distribution of 8,000+. Events are pulled from the GW Events Calendar.
To publicize your event, log in with your GW UserID and complete the GW Events Calendar Submission form, making sure to select your department or program from the Group dropdown. For additional guidance on submitting events, please review the calendar submission best practices.
Deadline to submit your event(s) to the calendar for newsletter consideration: Wednesdays COB
- Getting Press Digest
Getting Press is a monthly digest of CCAS media mentions in news outlets throughout the nation and across the globe. (This does not include academic journal publications.) Content is pulled from information received from GW Media Relations. The publication is sent at the beginning of every month.
Deadline to submit media mentions: 5 business days before the end of the month.
- Department Alumni Newsletters
Department newsletters are a means to engage alumni with meaningful content that is distributed on a regular schedule. GW Communications & Marketing works with Development & Alumni Relations to send newsletters to alumni on behalf of the department. This coordinated process enables GW to send timely, intentional and relevant newsletters to alumni, demonstrating our respect for their time and interests as it relates to the university.
For information on scheduling and production process, please contact Haja Jalloh in the CCAS Office of Alumni Relations.
The Communications and Marketing Office oversees web development activities across the college and is responsible for making complex changes to sites. Our office is also responsible for migrating department and institute websites into the latest Drupal platform.
- Department, Program and Center Sites
The main Columbian College website as well as all CCAS academic departments and programs are built on a platform called Drupal. CCAS departments and offices with a Drupal website are empowered and expected to designate a Drupal user who maintains the website and keeps the content updated. The GW web team provides basic trainings to all CCAS Drupal users in order to ensure they are able to maintain content on department/program websites. Drupal training must be completed before any user can gain site access. Submit the new account request form at to get started.
The GW web team also provides Drupal support through the Drupal Demo & Training website and in-person and virtual office hours. Users are encouraged to use and adhere to GW guidelines in order to ensure high-quality content across all CCAS web properties.
For questions, concerns or assistance with a CCAS department or program website, please submit a ticket or email [email protected]. Sending an email to this address will create a ticket within our helpdesk system.
- Faculty, Lab and Other Websites
Our team does not build personal faculty websites. However, the university offers GW Blogs, a self-service website and blog publishing platform powered by CampusPress (WordPress). This service is available at no cost to current faculty, staff and students for academic, official and personal use. For more information and to sign up, visit the GW Blogs website.
Digital Signage

Digital signs are a useful tool for marketing major events, deadlines, reminders for students and more. Digital signage screens are placed across GW’s campuses, and different screens have different dimensions and submission requirements.
To have your graphic featured on a Columbian College screen, submit the request form.
George Washington University Branding
Contact CCAS
- CCAS Web Help Desk: Submit a request form or email [email protected]. (Emailing this address will create a help desk ticket.)
- CCAS Communications General Inquiries: [email protected]