Rebranding North Korea: Changes in Consumer Culture and Visual Media
EALL's Immanuel Kim explores how North Korea's modernization affects its citizens and global relations as it seeks engagement with global modernity and technology.
From the history of race and caste in Latin America to the role of music in religion around the world, Columbian College faculty publish numerous thought-provoking and timely titles every year. Their work has topped bestseller lists, inspired debate and dialogue and received positive reviews from high-profile outlets like the Los Angeles Review of Books and The New York Times.
Rebranding North Korea: Changes in Consumer Culture and Visual Media
EALL's Immanuel Kim explores how North Korea's modernization affects its citizens and global relations as it seeks engagement with global modernity and technology.
Nightmare in the Pacific: The World War II Saga of Artie Shaw and His Navy Band
SMPA Professor Michael Doyle's book narrates the unconventional wartime experiences of the bandleader and his recruited musicians, forming the hard-swinging group known as Shaw’s Rangers.
Hidden Heroes: Anthology of North Korean Fiction
EALL Professor Immanuel Kim's book unveils North Koreans' lives from the 1980s to today, exploring identity, community, and power for a nuanced view beyond stereotypes.
Throwing Down the Verbal Gauntlet, The Arabic Invective of Jarīr and al-Farazdaq
CNELC Professor Cory Jorgensen explores Jarīr and al-Farazdaq’s poetic battles, linking their performances to modern rap duels and redefining Arabic poetry's role.
The Bloomsbury Handbook of North Korean Cinema
Co-edited by EALL's Immanuel Kim, book offers a diverse foundation for North Korean cinema scholarship, linking it to film history, affect, ideology, genre, and transnational cinema studies.
Inclusive STEM: Transforming Disciplinary Writing Instruction for a Socially Just Future
Co-edited by Chemistry's LaKeisha McClary, the book encompasses a diversity of STEM education contexts and offers instructional strategies and assignments for creating equitable, inclusive classrooms.
The Documentary Filmmaker’s Workbook
SMPA's Nina Gilden Seavey, research professor emerita, offers an instructional filmmaking guide that can be flipped upside down to create two books in one.
Fundraising: Principles and Practice
TSPPPA Professor Michael Worth offers an updated comprehensive introduction to fundraising that focuses on both theory and practice.
Interior Design is Not Decoration And Other Ideas
Corcoran's Stephanie Travis explores interior design with snappy set of 100 entries, showcasing its importance and proves that interiors are vital to our lived experience.
Technology and the Rise of Great Powers: How Diffusion Shapes Economic Competition
Political Science Professor Jeffrey Ding investigates why some states were more successful than others at adapting and embracing new technologies at scale.