Philosophy Professor Vanessa Wills shows that the founder of historical materialism held nuanced views about the role that morality played in political struggle.
From the history of race and caste in Latin America to the role of music in religion around the world, Columbian College faculty publish numerous thought-provoking and timely titles every year. Their work has topped bestseller lists, inspired debate and dialogue and received positive reviews from high-profile outlets like the Los Angeles Review of Books and The New York Times.
Philosophy Professor Vanessa Wills shows that the founder of historical materialism held nuanced views about the role that morality played in political struggle.
Political Science Professor Eric Grynaviski shows how American entrepreneurs manipulated the United States into pursuing imperial projects in the Pacific.
Songs in a Second Language: An Anthology of Korean American Literature
EALL Professor Young-Key Kim-Renaud's book unites diverse voices, reconnecting language to self. This anthology honors one culture, it unites various individuals, each with separate stories.
Research Handbook on Program Evaluation
Edited by Kathryn Newcomer (TSPPPA) and Steven Mumford (Political Science), this book tracks theoretical issues and offers approaches, trends, and practices in program evaluation.
Primates in History, Myth, Art, and Science
Anthropology Professor Bernard Wood explores the role of non-human primates in human societies, particularly in regions where modern humans and primates co-exist.
The Court v. The Voters: The Troubling Story of How the Supreme Court Has Undermined Voting Rights
Political Science Professor Josh Douglas takes us behind key voting rights cases—some unknown, some familiar—that changed elections and shaped the nation.
After 1177 B.C.: The Survival of Civilizations
Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Anthropology Professor Eric Cline tells the story of what happened after the Bronze Age collapsed.
1177 B.C.: A Graphic History of the Year Civilization Collapsed
Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Anthropology Professor Eric Cline's bestselling book is adapted into a beautiful, full-color graphic version.
Public Scholarship in Communication Studies
Media and Public Affair Professor Silvio Waisbord curates essays from a wide range of specialties within the study of communication.
Lectures in Knot Theory: An Exploration of Contemporary Topics
Jozef H. Przytycki (Mathematics), along with his former PhD students, published the book Lectures in Knot Theory; An Exploration of Contemporary Topics (Springer, 2024).