Summer Scholarship
Stay tuned for Summer 2025 registration details.
Columbian College offers summer scholarships to eligible undergraduate students through the CCAS Dean’s Summer Scholarship program.
Questions about the CCAS Dean's Summer Scholarship should be sent to [email protected].
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must:
- Be registered for CCAS summer undergraduate course(s).
- Be a current CCAS undergraduate in good standing (CCAS must be the applicant’s primary school).
- Receive need-based financial aid (not student loans) during the regular academic year.
- Have submitted a current FAFSA form for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Please note: Students may apply for multiple sources of financial aid; however, students who receive summer financial aid from other GW sources cannot also receive the CCAS Dean's Summer Scholarship.
How to Apply
- Register for CCAS summer course(s).
This is mandatory as one of the factors considered is the coursework the student intends to take and why. Payment is not required at the time of course registration. Decisions will be sent in time for students to drop the courses with no financial or academic penalty if they do not receive a scholarship or if they turn it down. Applications by undergraduate students who are not registered for CCAS summer classes at the time of their application will be denied. Summer scholarship funds may only be used to cover Columbian College courses. - Submit a CCAS Dean's Summer Scholarship application form for each CCAS course for which you register.
Important Dates
- The application for the CCAS Dean's Summer Scholarship opens March 15, 2024.
- The application closes April 26, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
- Decisions will be emailed by May 6. Funds will automatically be added to student's accounts. Tuition does not need to be paid until the first day of classes for the summer session in which the class is taught.
About the Award
The CCAS Dean's Summer Scholarship can be used for all CCAS summer courses. Funding is limited however and priority will be given to students who are taking courses for G-PAC or major requirements.
Students who receive summer financial aid from other GW sources (e.g., Summer Academy) cannot also receive the CCAS Dean's Summer Scholarship.
Summer Scholarship FAQs
If you have additional questions about the Summer Scholarship, please email [email protected].
- If I am eligible for other summer aid, should I apply for it as well?
Yes, applying for other scholarships or aid will not impact the decision to award the scholarships. If you are fortunate enough to get more than one offer, you should accept whichever offer is best for you.
- For how many courses may I register and submit applications?
You may register and apply for the Summer Scholarship for as many courses as you wish. However, funds are limited. It is unlikely that anyone will get enough money to pay for multiple courses.
- How large a scholarship can I expect to receive?
It is hard to say at this point, and each case is different. The purpose of the scholarship is to help the greatest number of students possible; however, funds are limited. Last year, all students who received the Summer Scholarship got enough aid to pay for one credit. That being said, if you qualify, apply. It costs nothing and you are under no obligation.
- Can I apply if I also applied last year?
Yes, each year is different. There is no reason someone couldn’t receive a scholarship more than once. Even if you did not receive a scholarship last year, or were offered one and turned it down, feel free to apply.
- Will I need to pay for the course(s) before I find out if I received a scholarship?
No. No tuition is due until the first day of the summer session in which the class is being taught. Students who register for a CCAS summer class in order to apply for the scholarship and later decide to drop the class will owe nothing, as long as the course is dropped prior to the first day of the session.