Current Undergraduate Students


Three women in an undergraduate classroom talking and sitting

The Columbian College offers a robust range of resources and advisors to help students with topics including advising, fellowships, career services, academic awards, tuition and more. Whether you are looking for financial aid opportunities, trying to apply for a campus job or looking for someone to coach you through your academic course load, you have come to the right place.

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Get Ready for Giving Day

Mark your calendar! April 2-3 is GW Giving Day. Join us from noon to noon EDT for 24 hours of giving and to support the areas at Columbian College that matter most to you.

Get Involved

Summer, Smarter with a starburst design

Register for Summer Session!

Register for summer courses today! Satisfy prerequisites, complete requirements and make progress toward graduation. Plus, the Summer Scholarship is now open for applications.

Explore Summer 2025



Resources and Opportunities

Looking to talk to someone?


Morgan Bryant





"I think especially just living in D.C., it's an incredible place to be for our age. There's just so many opportunities and places to see and go and I think that's what I'll remember most."

Morgan Bryant
BA '18, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences