Global Engagement
Columbian College encourages international and cross-cultural perspectives among our extensive community of distinguished scholars and diverse undergraduate and graduate students. A broad liberal arts education guides our students to use their knowledge to examine the critical issues that impact our region, nation and the world beyond. In addition, we are engaged in collaborative international research partnerships that are advancing a wide range of artistic, social and scientific imperatives.
Faculty-led Short Term Abroad Programs (STAP)
Faculty-led Short-Term Abroad Programs enable faculty and students to take the academic experience beyond classrooms and borders for a richer learning experience. From taking students to visit WWII memorial sites in France to organizing culturally sensitive speech therapist clinical training for students in Mexico, faculty across all disciplines can incorporate a study abroad component into their courses.
The Office of Global Initiatives provides administrative support and guidance to faculty and limited scholarships to students. Interested parties should be directed to
Upcoming CCAS Global Events
International Visiting Scholars Program
The Columbian College of Arts and Sciences' International Visiting Scholars Program is aimed at providing a unique opportunity for select scholars around the world to pursue scholarly and intellectual development in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences at GW.
Meet our Current Visiting Scholars.
Support and Resources
The Columbian College of Arts & Sciences Global Initiatives Office's mission is to advance the College's international priorities through world-class education, education diplomacy and engagement with the world.
Office of Global Initiatives
The CCAS Office of Global Initiative's mission is to advance the College's international priorities through world-class education, education diplomacy and engagement with the world. We assist our students and faculty in their global engagement.
Office for Study Abroad
The Office for Study Abroad (OSA) provides and facilitates quality international educational opportunities at the George Washington University and promote students' academic, personal, professional and intercultural development before, during and after their study abroad experiences.
Office of International Programs
The Office of International Programs plays a pivotal role in the university’s efforts to engage the world by providing guidance and resources that help identify GW's international priorities and expand educational opportunities abroad in all disciplines.
International Services Office
The International Services Office is the first stop for the GW international community and will help eliminate administrative challenges when studying in the US. ISO Advisors host a variety of special events that highlight our diverse international student population.
Student Scholarships and Opportunities
GW offers a wide range of scholarships and opportunities for students interested in international travel, research and more such as the Chung-wen Shih Scholarship and Short-Term Abroad Programs.
GPAC: Global or Cross-Cultural Perspectives
CCAS offers a wide range of General Education Curriculum (GPAC) Tier Two: Global or Cross-Cultural Perspectives courses that analyze the ways in which institutions, practices and problems transcend national and regional boundaries.
Featured Programs
Beyond our regular programming, CCAS is committed to providing a wide range of opportunities for faculty and students to encourage international innovative research.
Global Bachelor's Program
The GW Global Bachelor's Program provides students the competencies and confidence to work and learn anywhere in the world by challenging them to pursue their educational goals in multiple international settings.
Koobi Fora Field School in Kenya
The Koobi Fora Field School is designed to introduce students to the science of paleoanthropology, the sub-discipline of anthropology focused on the study of human origins.
Sponsored Program: Digital Collections for Chinese Studies
CCAS sponsors the development of this interactive mapping tool that identifies, describes and displays archival and digital collections related to Chinese Studies in North America, China and beyond.
"I spent this summer in Medellin, interning for the [Colombian] Department of the Environment and Urban Planning. The municipality had just made the switch to LED lights for all of their public lighting, so one of my projects was to quantify the benefits of that change and present the economic, environmental and public health benefits to the mayor."
Sarah Cassius
BA '19, Geography
Contact Information
CCAS Office of Global Initiatives
801 22nd St. NW
Phillips Hall, Suite 212
Washington, DC 20052
Frances Taoran Sun
Executive Director, Office of Global Initiatives
Parker Smith
Program Associate, Office of Global Initiatives