GW Early College Program
The GW Early College Program is a special opportunity for academically and socially mature students attending the D.C. public high school School Without Walls to take college courses alongside university students and earn college credit tuition-free.
Comprised of two components—the Associate of Arts Cohort and the Exposure Program—the GW Early College Program prepares students for the rigors of college by maximizing the university experience through early exposure.
"I've always been independent, and I enjoy learning. I knew this program would be a perfect fit... How many people can say they have been working on graduate-level research since they were 16?"
Sebastian Corrales
AA '16, General Studies
Associate of Arts Cohort (GWECP-AA)

The Associate of Arts cohort provides highly motivated and academically talented sophomores from School Without Walls the opportunity to earn an associate of arts degree from GW’s Columbian College of Arts and Sciences while completing high school. Admission to the dual-enrollment program is selective and limited to a maximum of 15 students each year.
The program begins during the summer before junior year with a mandatory bridge experience and continues throughout the junior and senior years. GW tuition costs are waived for students who maintain a full-time course load. Throughout the program, mentors and tutors provide students the academic, social and psychological support needed to successfully navigate the program.
Interested students must meet the GWECP-AA’s eligibility requirements as outlined on the School Without Walls website.
Exposure Program

The Exposure Program provides eligible School Without Walls students the opportunity to enroll in available GW courses for general college credit. Students are able to experience the rigors and expectations of college study and acquire transferable college credit before they graduate from high school.
This program is open to any student at School Without Walls who is in good standing, received a combined PSAT score over 1000 and has a GPA of at least 3.0.