Faculty Books

From the history of race and caste in Latin America to the role of music in religion around the world, Columbian College faculty publish numerous thought-provoking and timely titles every year. Their work has topped bestseller lists, inspired debate and dialogue and received positive reviews from high-profile outlets like the Los Angeles Review of Books and The New York Times.

Inclusive Stem

Inclusive STEM: Transforming Disciplinary Writing Instruction for a Socially Just Future

Co-edited by Chemistry's LaKeisha McClary, the book encompasses a diversity of STEM education contexts and offers instructional strategies and assignments for creating equitable, inclusive classrooms.

The Documentary Filmmakers Workbook cover, by Nina Golden Seavey

The Documentary Filmmaker’s Workbook

SMPA's Nina Gilden Seavey, research professor emerita, offers an instructional filmmaking guide that can be flipped upside down to create two books in one.


Fundraising: Principles and Practice

TSPPPA Professor Michael Worth offers an updated comprehensive introduction to fundraising that focuses on both theory and practice.

Interior design

Interior Design is Not Decoration And Other Ideas

Corcoran's Stephanie Travis explores interior design with snappy set of 100 entries, showcasing its importance and proves that interiors are vital to our lived experience.

Technology and the Rise of Great Powers

Technology and the Rise of Great Powers: How Diffusion Shapes Economic Competition

Political Science Professor Jeffrey Ding investigates why some states were more successful than others at adapting and embracing new technologies at scale.

Marx Ethical Vision

Marx's Ethical Vision

Philosophy Professor Vanessa Wills shows that the founder of historical materialism held nuanced views about the role that morality played in political struggle.

Price of empire

The Price of Empire

Political Science Professor Eric Grynaviski shows how American entrepreneurs manipulated the United States into pursuing imperial projects in the Pacific.

Songs in a second language

Songs in a Second Language: An Anthology of Korean American Literature

EALL Professor Young-Key Kim-Renaud's book unites diverse voices, reconnecting language to self. This anthology honors one culture, it unites various individuals, each with separate stories.

Program Evaluation

Research Handbook on Program Evaluation

Edited by Kathryn Newcomer (TSPPPA) and Steven Mumford (Political Science), this book tracks theoretical issues and offers approaches, trends, and practices in program evaluation.


Primates in History, Myth, Art, and Science

Anthropology Professor Bernard Wood explores the role of non-human primates in human societies, particularly in regions where modern humans and primates co-exist.