

Making a difference through

The Engaged Liberal Arts.


Columbian College of Arts & Sciences



Making a Difference


Student Weighs Transplant Ethics

Luther Rice Fellow Seyeon Moon is applying her philosophy major and bioethical research to understand who receives scarce organ transplants—and who doesn’t.

Learning & Discovery

Prof Cline and CCAS Dean Wahlbeck

The Collapse of the Ancient World

In a video conversation with CCAS Dean Wahlbeck, Professor Eric Cline discusses the collapse and resilience of the ancient world and its lessons for today.

Faculty Spotlight

Karencarr Fish

Wading into Evolution’s Pool

With a Keck Foundation grant, Biology Professor Sandy Kawano is taking giant leaps to discovering how amphibious ancestors took small steps onto land.

Upcoming Events



CCAS by the Numbers


67 majors, 68 minors, 14 grad certificates, 50 master's degrees, 23 doctoral degrees
500+ permanent full-time faculty, 720 average annual faculty media hits
5,500 undergraduate students, 2,200 graduate students, 88,000 alumni living in all states and countries






"This school has provided me with lifelong friendships, connections and opportunities. Getting to routinely attend shows at the Kennedy Center, meeting Kerry Washington and interning on Capitol Hill are some of the most memorable moments from my time as a Revolutionary."

Maureen Rafter
BA ‘24, American Studies and Music