Forensic Outreach named GW as one of the top five schools for attaining a degree in forensic sciences.
Avery Archer was profiled on the American Philosophical Association blog’s APA Member Interview.
Clare Brown was profiled in an article on Society for Experiential Graphic Designs website, “Clare Brown on the Next Generation of Exhibition & Experience Designers.”
Political science PhD student Lillian Frost received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program grant from the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board to conduct research at the University of Jordan.
Anthropology postdoctoral scientist Aida Gomez-Robles wrote the article "The dawn of Homo floresiensis" in Nature.
Eileen Guenther authored the book In Their Own Words: Slave Life and the Power of Spirituals (MorningStar Music Publishers, 2016)
Senior anthropology major Habon Issa received an $8,000 Research Experiences for Undergraduates award for her research project "The ape social brain: a comparison of brain microstructure between bonobos and chimpanzees."
Gary Kraiss, BA ’09, was elected chairperson of the District of Columbia Republican Committee for Ward 2.
Randi Gray Kristensen presented a talk on her work-in-progress, Disaster Capitalism and the Arts of Resistance in the Caribbean: From Cruel Optimism to Reimagined Relations, at the 2016 NEH Summer Institute "Arts of Survival: Recasting Lives in African Cities" conference.
Peter Nemes was named an Emerging Investigator by the journal Analyst. His article “Single-cell mass spectrometry with multi-solvent extraction identifies metabolic differences between left and right blastomeres in the 8-cell frog (Xenopus) embryo” was chosen as the publication’s cover story.
Hua Liang was awarded a $146,190 grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct an analysis of longitudinal multiscale data, in immunological bioinformatics including graphical models and structure identification.
Anthropology PhD student Joanne Munga was award a $17,500 Wadsworth International Fellowship by the Wenner-Gren Foundation.
Harris Mylonas reviewed Paschalis M. Kitromilides's Enlightenment and Revolution in the journal Nations and Nationalism.