Featured Stories

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Donor’s Gift Sparks Scholars Program at GW

The parent of a GW alumnus is working with the university to establish a scholars program that will bring honors students from the University of Macau, in China, to Washington, D.C.

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Valentines: Gillian & Noah Zachary

Call it a Columbian College love story. Gillian & Noah Zachary met in class, dated on campus, and tied the knot as grads. Now the alumni couple are adding new layers to their...

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Giving Peace a Chance: Student’s Gift to Peace Studies Caps Amazing Journey

Mac Kibum Lee calls himself a searcher. Just 22, the political science major finds himself pondering questions that scholars and statesmen spend a lifetime studying: Why is it so...

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Lunar New Year Celebrates "Year of the Horse"

With a resounding “Ni hao” [“hello” in Chinese] and a toast to the “Year of the Horse,” Dean Ben Vinson greeted guests gathered for the celebratory launch on January 31 of the...

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Vertes Scores $14.6 Million Grant to Study Bio-Chemical Threats

A team led by Professor of Chemistry Akos Vertes will receive up to $14.6 million over five years from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to find a way to...

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Sex, Lies & Videotape: ‘Pornoscholar’ Explodes Myths of Black Women and Adult Films

Shocking! Offensive! Exciting!

Those are all common reactions to pornography. And Jennifer Nash, assistant professor of American Studies and Women’s Studies, would like to add...

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'Teaching Star' Brings Jewish Lit to Life

With a cast of literary superstar that includes writers E.L. Doctorow, Erica Jong, and Pulitzer winners Tony Kushner and Michael Chabon, it’s easy to understand why Time magazine dubbed...

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Into Africa

So you want to be an archaeologist? Leave your Indiana Jones fantasies at home. At the Koobi Fora Field School in Kenya, students get their hands dirty. They dig wells, battle 120 degree heat,...

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A Map of the World: GIS Certificate Offers Cutting-Edge Skills

From environmental scientists to bridge builders, from disease trackers to fire departments, more and more professionals rely on geographic information systems (GIS). The mapping technology has...

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Do the Math: A Hot Subject Adds Majors

For Columbian College sophomore Kendall Moffett-Sklaroff, declaring a math major was a no-brainer. No other subject even comes close to inspiring her passions. “It’s so cool to...