Featured Stories

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GW to Operate Renowned Koobi Fora Field School with the National Museums of Kenya

The National Museums of Kenya and Columbian College’s Center for the Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiology have teamed up to provide a unique opportunity for...

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Caterpillars Provide New Clues on Impact of Warmer Temperatures

Superstorm Sandy put climate change back in the national spotlight in late October, but Associate Professor of Biology John Lill needed only look in his backyard to see evidence...

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GW Students Earn Top Awards in Chinese Speech Contest

GW students earned the top awards at the second annual Jiangsu Cup Chinese Speech Contest. Thirteen undergraduate finalists from five different schools in the greater Washington, D.C. area...

Focusing on the Facts

Sound bites and bumper stickers. Spin and nuance. During an election year, it can be difficult to sort through the political rhetoric to find the facts behind the most important issues facing the...

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Dean’s Search Committee Elected

Columbian College faculty elected nine representatives to the Dean’s Search Committee.

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Confessions of a Professional Political Junkie

By the time most people are waking up, Reid Wilson, BA ’05, has read dozens of newspapers and blog posts from across the United States. As editor-in-chief of...

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The Neighborhood: A Link to Teen Obesity?

When it comes to adolescent obesity, Assistant Professor of Sociology Antwan Jones thinks neighborhoods may be one of many factors in its root cause. Armed with a two-year...

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Image Makeover: New Portrait for the 21st Century

In creating a...

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Alumni Bookshelf

It’s no secret that Columbian College faculty are prolific scholars, writing, on average, 50 books per year, but the college also boasts a number of alumni authors. Among those penning books this...

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Cell Phone Demography: Analyzing Use across Ethnic Groups

Professor of Anthropology Joel Kuipers’ fascination with cell phones extends well beyond texting and the “Words with Friends” smart phone app.  Mindful of the estimated 6...