Featured Stories

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Inaugural Moments

A presidential inauguration is a proud and historic moment, a time when we come together to celebrate our democracy. For Columbian College students, it is also a rite of passage. On January 21,...

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GW, Smithsonian Research Delves into Distinctive Areas of Science

Bee pollination of particular plants, fungal impact on mineral erosion and wood decay, and physical attributes of ray-finned fish all have something in common: They are being studied by Columbian...

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Green Chemistry

The unfortunate reality of chemistry is that chemists, in their quest to innovate and devise new products to meet societal demands, sometimes create chemicals that are toxic. Look no further than...

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Where Will You Go this Summer?

This summer, explore the world, enrich your mind, and earn credits through short-term study abroad courses that are open to both GW students and visitors. Journey through Kenya and discover how...

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Shadows for Sale? Meet Visiting Artist Patrick Killoran

As we bask in the warmth of a sunny day, fair warning to those strolling through the Foggy Bottom campus: Watch your shadow. Buying people’s shadows is the current business/research of visiting...

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Confucius Institute to Open at GW

Columbian College will soon be home to the GW Confucius Institute to promote the study of Chinese language and culture, support Chinese teaching through instructional training and certification,...

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What Triggers Alcoholism?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, excessive alcohol use accounts for 80,000 deaths each year in the United States, making alcoholism the third leading cause of...

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Interior Design and Architecture

What’s in a name? For the Interior Design Program—which is changing its name to include architecture—a new name reflects not just a...

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Service-Learning in Southeast DC

For “green” policy expert Peter Linquiti, who was recently named Director of Graduate Studies of the Environmental Resource Policy Program, the program’s multi-disciplinary...

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A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Thinking Green

For 22 years, the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration (TSPPPA) has partnered with the Anacostia Public High School in Washington, D.C., to tutor and mentor high school...