Featured Stories

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CCAS Students Share GW Memories

From internships and cultural celebrations to personal milestones and life goals, Columbian College students recalled their fondest memories.

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Unionized Nursing Homes Have Lower COVID Rates

A study led by Professor Adam Dean found that residents and workers at unionized nursing homes experienced lower mortality and infection rates than otherwise.

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For CCAS Community, Ukraine Connections Loom Large

As Ukraine remains under siege, Columbian College faculty, students and alumni have awaited news from loved ones while spearheading humanitarian aid efforts.

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Jurassic Bark: Do Dogs Hold Hints to Early Language?

Courtney Sexton, a fifth-year PhD candidate, researches whether dogs’ nonverbal signals could have mirrored our own developing communication skills.

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TSPPPA Ranks among the Best in Country

Columbian College’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration increased its overall standing for best public affairs school in the country.

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The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Ecosystems

CCAS Dean Paul Wahlbeck and Assistant Professor of Biology Keryn Gedan discusses the ways global changes in the climate have impacted Chesapeake Bay's wetlands.

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Body of Work: Student Artist Deconstructs Stereotypes

Artist Wes Holloway has a fascination with the physical. Body images and the ways society responds to the human form is a theme that’s defined Holloway’s work.

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Hearing By Seeing: Lipreading Bridges Conversation Gap

Researchers at the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Science are helping adults with hearing loss through novel approaches to lipreading training.

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Three-Minute Dash: Students Sprint in Thesis Contest

For PhD candidates, completing their thesis is a culmination of years of grueling research along with hours of stressful dissertation defenses.

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Exploring Cosmic Extremes

CCAS Dean Paul Wahlbeck discusses with Physics Professor Alexander van der Horst his research on the multi-wavelength observations.